Wednesday 2 May 2012

Weakness for Muses

Hello, this is my new blog, which will cover Art, Culture, Politics and basically anything that influences my creative output, lingers on my conscience or just amuses me.
David Bowie as Tina Turner in Labyrinth

I’ve just finished my latest maze painting which was triggered by a clip in HBO’s Homeland title sequence and appealed to a personal fascination with the foliaged web after watching the movie Labyrinth as a child. Exhibition dates for the maze paintings will be posted soon. 
"Carrie, he's behind you!" Homeland title sequence

So what to paint next?  Well, I’m in the early stages of a new collection which has been inspired by an article I read on the artist Prunella Clough. It noted her unusual attention to aspects of urban life that are mostly overlooked but it was this line "most 20th century art ignores any direct reference to the 20th century environment, it's as if our paintings wish to be nowhere."
Wow, I was guilty of failing to recognise the 21st century in my own art practice. Ok, the time has come to approach my phobia of electrical plugs and modern city landscapes that are currently replaced with fields and blurry backgrounds.
Prunella Clough painting those fiddly aspects of fishing life.
Fear not surreal worlds of Salvador Dali and Rene Magritte, I will probably return to you, but for now I must paint a collection which is placed in this time and deals with this urban environment.
Another recent influence following a tweet on Twitter during Trayvon Martin’s ‘Million Hoodie March’ led me to the photographer Dwayne Rodgers and his ongoing project The Black Vernacular - a fascinating photographic work which feeds on contributions from the general public and real-life portraits showing the varied lifestyles of African American lives and not just the stereotype, so I hope my sitting muses also contribute to a documentation of London lives. 
Monica on the left - The Black Vernacular
Final thought: The Artist's Wardrobe

Since leaving the 9-5 grind, something strange has happened to my sense of style and dress... it has vanished and been replaced with a new uniform I do not understand or even want to look in the mirror at.

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